Tuesday 19 February 2013

Working Backstage At FASHION SCOUT with the designer HEOHWAN SIMULATION .

One of the things I LOVE doing, so when I was able to work backstage with this A M A Z I N G  designer backstage at Fashion Scout London I couldn't be any more excited. Its literally the best experience, the adrenalin give me LIFE. Its stressful but extremely thrilling, it involves a lot of paying attention, styling, understanding the looks, working alongside the models as well as the designer etc. However at the end of the day the show turned out to be a success and you sort of get this 'Victorious' feeling, being backstage and being surrounded by such hard working, fashion focused people motivates me and just makes me want to push myself further with my own career prospects. I LOVED IT ! 


Few snaps from EUGENE LIN backstage just before the show

Me & My gorgeous friend Imran just before we got to work, hes such a DIVA, Love' him x

On set ! where the make-up artists at ?

Had to get a sneaky snap of the Creative Director's High Heeled Boots..Damn, their so glam.

The collection out & ready...

                                                 The HEOHWAN SIMULATION look board

                                                  These prints are to DIE for..

                                                  THE COMPLETED LOOK 1 !

                                                THIS JACKET IS JUST TOO COOL !

             Me and my model JULIA ! In the 2nd look i styled, she was amazing & fun to work with.

LOOK 2 ! After the show...


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